Friday, January 4, 2008

So I have some salad in my fridge*…

Surprisingly I am the one that bought it, I open the fridge when I go looking for beer. The salad looks at me I look at the salad. Damn thing was bought this time last year (resolution time).

It's jus been looking at me through 2007, and I look back. Hopefully it will just leave one day**

* Initially I had written “a salad”, had to change that, figured someone might think I was talking bout one of my friends.

** Along with all the bills I refused to pay last year


Kiri said...

It won't go away. It will grow friends. Big, furry, disease-ridden friends. (no, not that kind) How has this salad not disintegrated into mush already? I think you should serve it to an enemy of the tomatonation. Not sure it has the same impact as a horse's head in the bed though. ;)

pandave said...

hahaha! tunga!