Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Return of the Tung

Wow, well then, there now!

Some of My co-defendants are arriving in Miami Tomorrow (Technically today i guess).

I think its on! Its an Invasion! They should do a movie about this weekend! Hopefully it will be broken into three parts , when they are documenting it! Maybe they can Call the first part "The Tung Menace", the second "Attack of the Tung" and the third "Revenge of the Tung".

I am Looking forward to Miami, Its kinda like going back home*.I have lived in 5 cities since i was born. Miami Is the first one i have ever lived in by myself. So i guess that's what makes it extra special.

I had a lot of fun in Miami and also really struggled for the first time in my life. Would i Go back there?? Apparently I am... On Friday after work.

I recall eating Ramen Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner**. The end of every month was always such an adventure, I mean somehow something would happen and I would have to figure out how to get the rent paid. I remember the one time rent was due like the next day and i was short like $400.00***. Some how it got paid, Somehow it always got paid! Sometimes I had to beg and borrow or purposefully write checks we knew would bounce ( i guess that can be classified as stealing).That would give us just enough time to get the rest of the money for the rent.

Someone should write about that time in my life, call It "Tung Wars, a New Hope",
Granted somewhere along the line I grew up (just a little), became more responsible(Just a little)! Or just started making more money, regardless... Within that transitional period (moving from parents house, to living by myself). I made some good friends, also made some enemies (only a few). For me that's what this trip is really about! Seeing my friends! I also kinda feel like I am coming back a lil more learned, with a lil more disposable income (to show my enemies). Someone should do a movie about this too, call it "The Tung Strikes Back!".

In preparation Ive been watching CSI Miami, Miami Vice, Golden Girls and I'm off the alcohol this week! I've been drinking lots of water (Trying to lower the alcohol content in my blood..I don't know why, it just sounds like a good idea) . I Have also been wearing as little clothing as possible when i go to work (So i can appreciate that south beach sun, when i leave this snow and cold). I also tried to watch Some B.E.T and MTV, and discoverd its clear that i am too far out of the loop to know whats hot. Let alone whats hot down south.

Its always good to get out of NY, Its been like 4 months since i last got off these 2 islands I call home.

Ive been meaning to go back to my American Home Town (port of entry) for a long time. I love Miami! Its cool that Two of my Best friends are gna be down in Miami too. Maybe they should just do one movie about all of this stuf and call it.... Wait for it..... Wait for it...... " Return of the Tung"

Im out.

* Lived there for a few years
** okay I'm lying I only ate twice a day, brunch and Dinner
*** Rent was $400.00
**** Like how if when u u are slacking in the restaurant u work in, and your boss says " You act like, you have a maid at home", and you look at him smile sarcastically and say "actually....."

Monday, January 29, 2007

I have trouble coming up with a name for each post (Rumbi Help!),

I think I posses the dubious virtue of having nothing to say. Its amazing my blog has lasted this long*.

I'm in a good mood today, I found a place where I found some really rare hard-to-find hip hop stuff that I've been looking for for years.

I just got the O.C album Jewels, I remember when it came out,It must have been like 97 or 96. The damn tape kept on breaking on a schedule or get chewed up! Periodically either me or my older brother would have to get some tape and stick it back together again(which would take hours). I think the cycle ended when someone stole the tape.**

We have been looking for the tape ever since. Most hip hop heads don't even know who O.C is, which just makes it even harder to find. Point is i got it now! I got it today (explains the mood) and a ton of other stuff! I'm almost in heaven!

Now if only i could get a girlfriend that worked at Starbucks (During the day), listened to hip hop, and worked in a bar (At Night). Then Id really be in heaven!

Who knows....

* if u read this stuff seriously or daily u need to get a life
** Maybe for our own good

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Who Knows???

I met a guy today who edits books for Random House before they get published. Bingo I though to myself, maybe I can get help writing my book from someone that has actually read one*. This is perfect I thought to myself, this guy does this stuff for a living. So I told him that I have a “friend” that wants to write a book and if he had any advice or tips to offer.

I kinda felt bad after asking him that, if I was a doctor, I wouldn’t want some random dude asking me if he should do something about the burning sensation he feels when urinating. Or a credible artist being asked by K- Fed to do a guest spot on his album.

This guy was cool tho, I thought he was going to recommend that my “friend” read a book first before he/she writes one, or pass ZJC English. He looked at me calculatedly** and said maybe your “friend” should attend some workshops like the Gotham writers workshop.

I am going to take his advice into consideration. I’m pretty busy as is tho, I pay rent so I have to stick around my apartment (would be wasting rent if I was out and about), I have got my Alcoholism to support, a demanding TV that wants a lot attention*** and a second life.
I have always seen the workshops advertised all around; maybe ill go check one out.

Who knows maybe I will meet a new Jane or Lucy, I expect to see a lot of hippies at these kinda workshops. Maybe I need to get my hippie on. Leave work take off my suit. Wear sumn casual. I’m not even sure what hippies do? How will I communicate with them? I’m thinking they prob sit around the house and drink, Watch TV and Join shady online communities like second life!

Who knows?

*If you are reading this blog, and have told me that you think it’s half decent, you obviously have never read anything before, let alone books

** I’m not even sure what a calculated look is, but whatever it is this guy gave me one, you can just tell he has read a lot books.

*** U know how the local news keeps us in suspense “ A major threat to our area…..tune in to fox5 news at 10 and get more on this developing story…..” At this point you may be saying to yourself if it was a real emergency why are they waiting till 10 to tell us. And surely I could just get online and see if there was a “major issue” affecting us. Somehow, one way or another they get you, I guess they must use the same marketing agency the good people at Starbucks use.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Cant sleep.

Well to be honest i haven't even really tried.

My co-defendants aren't answering their phones. Even the ones on the west coast. No one seems to be online! Well except for the people that leave their machines on, no point in trying to holla there.

The night is still young. Maybe ill go down to the village, or the meatpacking district, or just go to one of the bars in the neighbourhood.

I tried writing a book the other night, i thought it was too hard (need time for character development). Tried writing a short story instead. That turned out to be a disaster (need to have a story first). Then it occurred to me that maybe i should try and read a book first before i try and write one.
I still maintain reading books is for chumps (and so is reading blogs..... no offense!) Writing books on the other hand just sounds cool.

I don't even want anyone to read my book (if i ever get around to it). Ill just use the concept as a point of reference.

Jane: How is the weather
Me: You know in my book. It was always raining
Jane: Oh you wrote a book?
Me: Yeah ill send u a link to buy it....
(at this point my friend will say okay, and hopefully conveniently forget to remind me about the link because they wont want to buy it- after reading this dribble who would want to buy a whole book?).

In the highly unlikely event that someone does actually want to read a book written by me. Ill stress the fact that the book will cost $35.00 of their favourite dollars*! If they are still willing. Ill get a highly talented friend** to write it, ill publish and it and take the $35.00........

I am aware of the fact that only three people read my blog. That's fine by me, please feel free to comment now. When i marry Oprah (sorry Rumbi***), yaal can say hey i knew that dude, when he was but a mere blogger. Maybe i will invite you to the show, give you some free cars.

I actually enjoy writing this stuff. I feel like one of president Bushes speech writers. Wondering how silly people will think this man is when people hear this stuff.

* If you where thinking Zim Dollars shame on you!
** Kiri this is advance warning
*** look at pandave's blog on Tuesday, January 23, 2007


A friend of mine from The Ivory Coast, was telling me about how it took him time to adjust to people being friendly for no apparent reason when he went on holiday to France.

Walking down the street people would just smile, wave and say hello. If you are coming from New York, that whole concept can be unsettling.
New Yorkers are cool people, anyone who has ever been here will testify to the fact. If you are lost, etc people will go out of their way to show you how to get from point A to B (Thing is In New York, you have to pass through points, D, E, and Q when you are trying to get from A to B).
People here do their own thing, so no one will just smile at you for no apparent reason while you are walking down the street. Or just start a random friendly conversation with you. The only people that do that here are crazy or from out of town. In most cases its crazy people from out of town*

Today, A lil girl came to my Job with her mom, she might have been 5. we had some balloons up on a display, she asked me for one. So i cut one down for her, a few minutes later she came to my desk and gave me a piece of candy. Kind of as a thank you for the balloon. I was touched. It was an effortless action from me, but impacted her enough to make her want to share her candy.

Maybe people should smile more often at strangers, who knows.

* Id also like to note that New Yorkers, think anyone from out of town is Crazy! Probably because they try and start random conversations with you.

Monday, January 22, 2007

See Im Deep

Just Spent the last 5 minutes Looking at my MSN screen name (Tu...007), wondering if anyone even gets it? Maybe i should change it. But Tu....08 just sounds silly.

Now I'm wondering if i should change the tag next to my screen name. Maybe i should get one that will give the impression that i am deep and a deep thinker. Maybe I will Change my status from away to busy, and see what happens.

So far i have come up with....

"Self-importance is man's greatest enemy" and "Beyond happiness and unhappiness there is peace", i also like "deep lesson concealed within".

If you are asking yourself if i went to Google and Googled the words "deep psychological quotes", cut and paste from the first link i found, you just might be right!

When Jane sees my screen name she might just think, I'm cooler than i really am. On the flip side she might think i have issues. Regardless she will think I'm cooler, than i really am! Or deeply scarred.
When she asks me about my tag i can refuse to talk about it. Which will make me look like a lil bit more of an enigma.

Sometimes i ask myself why i am still single.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Beware the Tung (Too-Ng), Tungster(Too-Ng-Ster), Tungstar (Too- Ng- Star), Tungman (Too-Ng- Man), Tungizzy (Too- Ng- Izzy), Tungalicious (Tung- A- Licious), Tungacious(Too-Nnnngay-Cious), Tunga (2-nga) and sometimes Tungamirayi.

Yesterday i quit drinking for the 4th time this year. Unfortunatley I Forgot to clear the alcohol that was left in my apartment to tempt me. There is still one beer leftover from new years (which is pretty good, considering its almost end of January). I recently got through the shady wine they gave me at work for Christmas, Turns out it was a good mixer for vodka.
A lil lemonade, and some cranberries. it went down pretty ill!

Christmas season is finally over, only to spill over into valentines (will corporate America ever stop reminding me that i am alone?)...????

Got my ticket, to Miami! This is gna be like the Lakers playing vs Clippers. Miami and New York are both my hometowns! I feel like Allen Iverson Going to play against the 76ers. Its ironic that i couldn't think of any football references, considering I'm going to Miami over super bowl weekend!

The Tung! Supervillian Chilling!

Turn H20 to Hennesey

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Urban Word of the Day

January 16, 2007: blogorrhea

To write a [blog] entry just for the sake of posting an entry, not
because you have done anything interesting today.

I couldn't really think of anthing good to blog about, so my last post
was real blogorrhea.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Book Of Life

Sunday Night

Ive been working at the same place for a little over a year, I'm still on the mailing list for one of the locations i have worked at, interesting quote someone emailed the team there...

My friend Steve Seglin used to tell me..Robert do you know what the definition of insanity is.??. I laughed ?...expecting some joke. Seriously Robert...he said... it is to continue to do the same thing over and over. and expect a different result..that is insanity! we need to think outside the box and find a new way and FAST!.

Granted this is all sales related, but you know when you read those obscure little things that, you think about and your like, yeah that train of thought might actually help me in life. So instead of my usual Sunday night routine... Family Guy, American Dad and the Simpsons today I watched some college basketball on espn . Hey If im going to be idle, let me try and be idle doing something else....

Regardless i have a sense of accomplishment!!

A lot of the blogs ive been reading seem to have some sort of new years resolution. Im a believer of the fact that its better to just procastinate all year round, than just for the first 2 weeks of each new year.

Here is my list....

  • Stop Smoking.
  • Stop Drinking.
  • Clean my room more often (meaning not only when its the first time a new girl comes into my room).
  • cook everyday.
  • Try keep a relationship for more than 1 year.
  • Run every morning.
  • Ride a bike to work
  • Update my blog on a regular basis.
  • Stop watching TV.
K that was funny right?

But really...
  • Join a new Gym (note there is nothing about going to the gym, I'm just going to join one!)
  • Explore my wild side (which means order something different every time i go to Starbucks), one of the guys at my local star bucks, looks at me with a patronising grin when its my turn to order "Grande Coffee right?" he says I say "Yeah", its almost down to a science, 3 minutes I'm in and out . When People Leave work and go on a Starbucks run, they almost always bring me a Grande Coffee even when i don't ask for one (this can be embarrassing when I'm broke). I had initially decided to quit Starbucks, tried the stuff from the break room on new years day (which is free). Went back to Starbucks.... The 80's where about crack, i think this millennium is about Starbucks (then again everyone knows they figured out how to put crack in Starbucks coffee).
  • Play more basketball!
  • Call home more often, it gets embarrassing when you talk to a cousin you grew up with, and you forget his or hers wife's name or kids name.
Now I have to figure out what else to put in this blog, Rumbi your not helping!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Second Life?

Its getting onto 11pm , Friday Night.

Trying to eat some pizza my roommate and his girlfriend, spent the evening making. To be honest I haven't started eating it yet, maybe before I take a Shower and head out.

The question i am asking myself right now is that, was that piece of information necessary? But if you are reading this you probably have nothing better to do.

Little pieces of obscure information are my way of making the world a better place,.

After work, i kinda called my boys to tell them I'm not going out, and hope they have fun. Somewhere along the line, over the years I lost my enthusiasm for going out. Its gotten to a point where people have stopped inviting me cus I'm almost always a no show.
Tonight I wasn't given much of a choice, plus its at the 40/40 the one club that never ever disappoints. So I'm in!

My brother told me about second life yesterday, we both signed up. To be honest its pretty fun, its kinda like the sims. You create a character, and start a second life in virtual reality. My character is a nightclubbing male. Its a second life So maybe i can get up to more mischief and party a lot more in second life. Turns out the girl that told me the blog thing is gay is in second life too. We hung out in second life, we went to a club, she tried to teach me how to dance and checked out a tattoo parlour in a mall.

Im getting better at navigating around second life. I couldnt sleep last night logged on, tried to check out the the virtual Sears, and Circuit City, then i met a Japanese girl at the virtual Reuters Headquarters. She was mad cool, she took me to virtual Kyoto, went to her crib, went to her virtual shop (I wasn't much into buying kimono's) then she had to go . i like the way she put it "My First life is kinda busy".

After she left me i went to a strip club, I had to sneak in, apparently "newbies" are not allowed in, they can check how old you are, you have to be at least 3 months old. ... Your profile tells people how old you are i was born on that day the 11th of January 2007.

Maybe next time i have a day off, with nothing to do, ill check the classifieds and get a job. Most of the jobs seem to be in clubs, maybe i can be a professional hit man. I doubt ill ever pay the subscription fee which pretty much means owning land or my own business is out of the question.

My roommates Pizza is not so bad...

I'm out.

If you want to read up more on second life check out ,,

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Naming Names

I surprise myself

3rd post.

Maybe ill tell more people about this blog thing, I told one friend i started a blog her response "Dude isn't that Gay?". I told another friend I had a blog, she asked me what my blog was about. I kinda kept quiet, thought about it for a minute, "Mostly me i guess", i said. Truth be told, I have no idea why im doing this! I guess my friends now think I'm Narcissistic , and could possibly be gay. Not to mention the people who will realise my grammar sucks, and cant spell to save my life.

At some point yesterday i became fascinated by "Superhead" (Thanks Rumbi!),I got the audio version of her book, "confessions of a video vixen", why the hell would someone start dropping names? In her defense she made a lot of money off the book, but if I'm writing my blog i cant be like Lucy* did this to me, or Lucy didn't do this to me, as far as I'm concerned if i put in Lucy's name or even eluded i was talking about Lucy. Lucy is more than likely going to stop giving me anything at all, this is not to say Lucy was giving me something in the first place, but even if Lucy was contemplating giving me something, she would probably stop. This might also hamper my chances with Jane**, this is not to say Jane was harbouring any intentions of hooking up with me,or that i had any previous liaisons with Jane, or was contemplating hooking up with Jane. You get my point? No????..... Well figure it out!

So if i do write about my lil adventures, i cant mention names, places or events.

I find more and more I'm having less and less of an opinion about world events, Art, Theatre (okay so I'm lying I've never followed the arts or theatre, but if i did in the past id be following them less now!). If it didn't happen in Zimbabwe or New York City (Adopted Home), or affected Zim or NYC, I really couldn't be bothered. Bad I know, but between The MTA strikes, The New York Knicks, Summer Power outages, Isiah Thomas, Planes Crashing in Buildings, Super heroes saving people on Subways, Larry Brown, people getting shot 50 times at their bachelor parties, and the many, many, many, many, many goings on in Zim. Thats more than enough real life Drama to prevent me paying attention to Tony Blairs resignation, Or Vice presidents raping family friends cus its a part of zulu culture. K that came out wrong, but u knw what i mean..... I hope!

I am not saying i am totally ignorant about whats going on in the world, I am just saying, i am not following it. I am aware of it, but i have no opinion. So that gives me even less to write about. factor in that i cant go into my personal relationships, this whole blog thing seems pointless. Rumbi what should i do?

I think I was diffrent when i was younger, Idealistic, trying to save the world. I have humanitarian projects I'm working on (or at least planning to work on). I guess i got sucked into corporate America (which is a bad thing, well apart from the money its a bad thing!)

Resolution if i blog again, no more names, (sorry Rumbi) Maybe Ill try and have more of an opinion about President Bush being "saddened" by Saddams hanging, Or of more millionaires going to the international space station.


*Lucy, is a fictional character from the underground hiphop outfit from Minnesota called Atmosphere. Lucy is often mentioned when refrencing women and relationships, there is a song from their 2002 album ''God Loves Ugly'' called "F*@ck You Lucy".

** Jane, Is a more famous fictional character that appeared on every single EPMD album and one Redman album

Monday, January 8, 2007

famous last words

First sorta official blog, been depressed last couple of days.

Who knows why, sum1 told me i need a lot of emotional support, I called a friend in Australia, dud e dude told me I'm an emotional ass dude. In response my point of perspective is that Ive got my people. so in their eyes ill appear weak, cus ill tell them my problems.

Maybe i have too many friends, maybe less people will think im a wimp the fewer people i tell my problems! (this whole blog thing is a good idea!)

here we go again

I have so many email addresses, so many screen names, i have tried this whole blogging thing before.

Failed, so many times, maybe i can make this a hobby, how many times can i start a blog?

Lets see if i can quit smoking more times than i can start a new blog, better yet ante up the odds? Forget the quit smoking thing, lets make it quit drinking????

i ask myself can i really do 365 new blogs in a year?

Here is the goal, at least 3 entries before the end of the month, then ill tell sum1 i started a blog (again).

I even tried enlisting a friend during the summer, that lasted one blog from me, blog from her....
that was about it!