Sunday, March 25, 2012


Writing is a struggle!!!!!!

The literal skills are lacking, but the concept is there...

I want to write about this song...


It's called Madness from the "Deltron 3030" album. I want to write about how it samples the original song by the "Poppy family"

& how it relates to the sampled songs concept. Except, It speaks to me more (as a Black man in a large metropolitan area), than the original did.

"we may act different in some ways.. but we are still grouped together"

I guess i could be defined as a hipster in 2012, (race aside). But i am black man (the reality).. This post from Gucci Little piggy kinda breaks it down... so what am I? The Hipster culture is black, so i technically should have no problem calling myself that...

I am all about indie hiphop, black empowerment and originality but somehow i feel lost. So what are we? Not hipsters for sure...

Somehow being a BackPacker* post Kanye/lupe does not quite define me (or maybe it does.. dunno)..we all wear fedoras, experiment and focus on originality....

so where does this go?

The lost portion

* Love Kevin Durant & kanye tho


1 comment:

Stunner said...

Jump onto team Hombe! Team shark!! Lol