Friday, August 22, 2008

Deep Thought

A close friend asked me to reconsider what I am doing with my life, who I talk to, how I spend my time, and really take the time to reevaluate my life…(apparently I keep on complaining)

I thought id take that concept a step further, in high school I was inspired by a concept from the Society of Jesus, I learnt in high school ( I went to a Jesuit Mission School*).. Where at the end of each night Jesuit Priests, reflect on the day that has just passed.
A personal reflection, where one can consider the thoughts that go through ones head. In interactions and situations faced throughout the day. How one thinks in certain situations and how one may have reacted to whatever stimuli they may have encountered throughout the day. The mistakes one has made, the things one did right, etc, and how one may use this knowledge in the days to come… To help make one a better person! It is in essence similar to how Muslims "strive for perfection"

I am not sure if I am doing it quite right! At the end of the night in reflection, here is a typical sample of the things that go through my head, during the day…

“I bought a big box of chocolates, a week or two ago, for some reason there are no Twix candy bars, left!”… (Later in the day)… “Why is my apartment filled with Twix wrappers???”

“Dammit another salad is tormenting me”... (a little later)…”Why does my fridge smell??”

“Maybe I should have taken a shower last week”… (A little later)…. “Why am I still single?”

Maybe one day I will figure this whole life thing out...**

* For all intensive purposes it really was/is
** Or just read the Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy

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