Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rock Star Tung!

Late Saturday Night

Listening to my Beatles greatest hits album! I think music can be depressing….
Music is so powerful!

This is why sometime in the next year I am really going to go ahead and buy that damn acoustic guitar I have been planning to buy for the last year or so!!!!!!

If the Tung cannot take over the world, at least he sure as hell might be able to irritate the hell out of it, with my guitar*.

Yeah I can see it. Never had a guitar lesson in my life. Black hat on the floor, Times Square subway station. I am going to put my laundry change in the hat, play random made up impromptu songs in shona, wearing some stunner sunglasses. Looking like a rock star!

I suspect people will put money in my hat mostly out of guilt cus I am sure they will think, I am a struggling artist. Not because I haven’t been discovered yet, but because I will suck so bad, there is no way in hell I will ever find honest work as a musician. My other theory Is they will just want me to shut up!**

I think I could make mad money doing that!! Then again if I just wore a t-shirt that said “I am From Zimbabwe” on it and just leaned on a wall with a hat on the floor not say a damn thing; I could probably make more money.

* And no, I don’t mean by hitting people with the thing.

** I know I saw that one coming from a mile away too

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