Monday, April 9, 2007

Simple Simple man.....


Watching the Knicks almost beat the Pistons on TV I heard one of the presenters, Walt Frasier use the word "vociferous".

I was so intrigued that I looked the word up and now I am going to try my hardest to use it in a sentence tomorrow.

I might even do something "vociferously", just so that I can use it in a sentence*.

* I think I am starting to realize why I am still single......


Kiri said...

You are single because you refuse to accept the cosmopolitan prowess of London Town. Maybe once you crumble and VOCIFEROUSLY denounce your previous derogaratory comments about the capital of the 51st state then I shall find you a nice British gaal dem sugar.

Tu said...

Pinky, ur vociferous manner of expression. Is offensive.

But I forgive you…New York will forgive you too…