Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Hero

I have been having trouble blogging and sleeping, I have been stressed. Too much going on, I have been consumed trying to figure out what part of Queens Peter Parker* comes from, and whether or not Oprah cares that I live in the same borough as Spidey.

I have also been thinking about creating my own superhero, that will cater for people like me .
Who cares about mutants, and billionaire boys??

First of all my super hero, would be cool (much like me). Unlike Clark, Peter, Tony or Bruce my dude is gona be a hero in the daytime and Hero at Night. I’m thinking a Fireman AND Policeman (Daytime), and at night is when his real super heroness comes out.

He is gna be a super bartender, the kind that will confuse $10.00’s for $100.00**. The kind of bartender that will sacrifice his whole paycheck to buy patrons drinks. The kind of bartender that will not only hear you bitch about the ex, but use his connections at the police department to tow her car, and connects at the fire department to burn her house down…***

Id like to point out that my blogging may or may not have anything to do with two free drinks that I received earlier on tonight. But If I had to make my own super hero it would be a bartender, that saves lives by day and gets me drunk by night..

And maybe my hero will work side by side with my ideal girlfriend that will work at starbucks during the day, and work at the bar by night…

Actually, anyone that would get me free Starbucks or Beer would be a hero in my books….*****

Don’t front tho, the character would be interesting…..

* That’s Spiderman Pinky!!
** Like buying a $10.00 drink with a $10.00 bill and getting $90.00 back…..
*** I know, I know, why am I still single????
**** I know, I know know low standards***

1 comment:

pandave said...

yeah... that detox. completely down the drain.