Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Naming Names

I surprise myself

3rd post.

Maybe ill tell more people about this blog thing, I told one friend i started a blog her response "Dude isn't that Gay?". I told another friend I had a blog, she asked me what my blog was about. I kinda kept quiet, thought about it for a minute, "Mostly me i guess", i said. Truth be told, I have no idea why im doing this! I guess my friends now think I'm Narcissistic , and could possibly be gay. Not to mention the people who will realise my grammar sucks, and cant spell to save my life.

At some point yesterday i became fascinated by "Superhead" (Thanks Rumbi!),I got the audio version of her book, "confessions of a video vixen", why the hell would someone start dropping names? In her defense she made a lot of money off the book, but if I'm writing my blog i cant be like Lucy* did this to me, or Lucy didn't do this to me, as far as I'm concerned if i put in Lucy's name or even eluded i was talking about Lucy. Lucy is more than likely going to stop giving me anything at all, this is not to say Lucy was giving me something in the first place, but even if Lucy was contemplating giving me something, she would probably stop. This might also hamper my chances with Jane**, this is not to say Jane was harbouring any intentions of hooking up with me,or that i had any previous liaisons with Jane, or was contemplating hooking up with Jane. You get my point? No????..... Well figure it out!

So if i do write about my lil adventures, i cant mention names, places or events.

I find more and more I'm having less and less of an opinion about world events, Art, Theatre (okay so I'm lying I've never followed the arts or theatre, but if i did in the past id be following them less now!). If it didn't happen in Zimbabwe or New York City (Adopted Home), or affected Zim or NYC, I really couldn't be bothered. Bad I know, but between The MTA strikes, The New York Knicks, Summer Power outages, Isiah Thomas, Planes Crashing in Buildings, Super heroes saving people on Subways, Larry Brown, people getting shot 50 times at their bachelor parties, and the many, many, many, many, many goings on in Zim. Thats more than enough real life Drama to prevent me paying attention to Tony Blairs resignation, Or Vice presidents raping family friends cus its a part of zulu culture. K that came out wrong, but u knw what i mean..... I hope!

I am not saying i am totally ignorant about whats going on in the world, I am just saying, i am not following it. I am aware of it, but i have no opinion. So that gives me even less to write about. factor in that i cant go into my personal relationships, this whole blog thing seems pointless. Rumbi what should i do?

I think I was diffrent when i was younger, Idealistic, trying to save the world. I have humanitarian projects I'm working on (or at least planning to work on). I guess i got sucked into corporate America (which is a bad thing, well apart from the money its a bad thing!)

Resolution if i blog again, no more names, (sorry Rumbi) Maybe Ill try and have more of an opinion about President Bush being "saddened" by Saddams hanging, Or of more millionaires going to the international space station.


*Lucy, is a fictional character from the underground hiphop outfit from Minnesota called Atmosphere. Lucy is often mentioned when refrencing women and relationships, there is a song from their 2002 album ''God Loves Ugly'' called "F*@ck You Lucy".

** Jane, Is a more famous fictional character that appeared on every single EPMD album and one Redman album

1 comment:

pandave said...

well, tunga, i usually use susan as my default woman's name when referencing relationships (from the whitney houston song - my name is not susan). but jane and lucy are nice too. i may start using them for diversity. plus i always get stuck when talking about more than one woman.

you seem to be coming along rather well with your blog - whether it be about you, about the world or about bugger all on any given day. hey, it's your party and you'll cry if you want to.

oh yes, superhead. she does capture the imagination. lol!

keep on keeping on.