Monday, February 12, 2007


The blog is official now! If you Google my name "Tungamirayi", the blog comes up.

I would like to take the time out to thank all 3 of you that read this thing.
If I make this thing funnier I project we can add one more reader by the end of the decade.

That's only 3 years away, we have to be more creative people!

In Miami, me and my my boy would hang out till 4 or 5 am in the morning.

After dropping me off he would drive to his bosses apartment, park in front of his car and block his boss in. So first thing his boss would have to do is wake him up. That's classic! There is no way your boss will get into work b4 u like that!I wish i had thought of that!

I Usually have to play dumb to get away with my own faults and mistakes*, like bieng late for work.

I need to find something similar to help me get to work on time. I'm not sure how i can adapt that one.

In high school there where a lot of cases of "hydrophobia" that popped up. Pretty much that meant that u could skip swimming during PE class, in the winter**.

My only creative claim to fame to date is that i took that concept, adapted it, went to a doctor told him i get a rash every time, i play in the grass. So this shady doctor thought about it for a minute, and came up with the brilliant conclusion that i was allergic to grass. Which pretty much meant i could skip cross country, and taking part in any Zimbabwean winter sports. This meant i could spend all afternoon at the basketball courts, and if anyone saw me there instead of at a sport i was supposed to be at. i had a note saying i was excused from playing soccer, hockey and rugby (all sports played on grass).

If only every1 else was more creative! Like why would they name a city as far east in the country as possible West Palm Beach???????? Where the hell are they gonna fit an East Beach City/County? That just sounds retarded! Maybe they should just name that rougue state of the United States run by Tony Blair East Palm Beach.

I am going to keep on focusing my on creativity here, maybe that will lead to me making money. If by some unforeseeable twist of fate, Oprah decided not to marry me, this would be an excellent back up plan.


* Not much acting required
** In my case, taking showers


Kiri said...

It's on!!!! You calling the United KINGDOM East palm beach!!! Allow me to stick up for my mother empire. United States vs United Kingdom. Nah, I'm just feeling minorly patriotic because I got a work permit today. Britain really is the 53rd state. (and yes, i said that on purpose)

Kiri said...

woo hooo I didn't know you could choose your identity on these things. I think kred is a little too close to kfed (fed ex). Anyway I was going to say we can smell you over here in East Palm Beach. I have posted you some Protex. Industrial strength. I would kindly suggest that you add water and scrub. * this action will dramatically enhance your sex life. * 100% guarantee

pandave said...

lol! funny tungs!
but the boss never thought he was maybe be stalked? or do your friend and your boss live in the same building??

we shall soldier on into the new decade. soldier on!!!

Amanda said...

Lol, you crazy lazy boy you! I should have thought of that though. They'd make us swim in the rain dude! and you know how lighting just randomly strikes yo ass in Zim! dang! Nah man, props!

Tu said...

Yo Kred did u say Empire?

Which century are you living in?

Thanks for the Office, American Idol, and thats about it.