Sunday, February 25, 2007


It just has to snow on a Sunday Night.

This is going to be another ugly Monday Morning Ladies and Gentleman!

I have been at the place I work at now, since the beginning of the year. In that time, I have tried to be as professional and as classy as I can.

Meaning I was not running around cracking at people, making jokes and such. I have been speaking in my well rounded and executed English. The same one I use when I am trying to mack on the phone. You know the one! The one we used when you where in trouble in high school and where trying to explain urself to the headmaster.

Somehow, tho, these people I work with just love starting with me. I will admit that on occasion, I wear loud pink shirts and sometimes I dance when I think no one is watching. Apart from that, I am not giving them much ammunition to attack me.

Unfortunately, almost every1 has their own variation of how they think they want to say my name. Excluding the name thing, I do not think I have ever accumulated as many nicknames as I have in this short a time.

When I walk into the lunch room, people just start screaming Tooonga, Tooonga, Toonga, like they where supporting me just before the start of a 100 meter race. It’s like I am walking around with a bull’s eye strapped around my chest.

What really bothers me is initially I really tried to be professional!

I don’t mind the disses, cus I can fire back. I enjoy the banter, but I did not provoke it this time.

Only in the last week or two have I really started firing back. Now they all gang up on me when I attack them individually. I will admit when I am wearing an Orange shirt and Pink Tie* it is very easy for them to gang up on me.

Funny enough, I am really enjoying working with these people.

* Seriously why am I still single???


pandave said...

seriously, i have no idea - i think an orange tie and pink shirt are a very powerful fashion statement.

go toonga!!! or rather, in karanga phonetics it would make sense to spell it tuuunga... no?

hey tunga with a capital t... sadly not so much snow today. i gotsta go to work.

Anonymous said...

you are single coz nobody wants you! SIMPLE! No matter how many neon colored items of clothing you one seems to be noticing >:(

Tu said...

Anon why so bitter?

Have we Dated?

Kiri said...

yikes! Tunga you better go through that little black book of yours....anon sounds angry. Sweetie stop channeling the Rick and pink?!?! luv ya

Tu said...

I know right.

Today I had a green shirt and white tie.

As far as I thought, I thought it went down pretty ill.

Someone said I remind them of Common when he was still with Erykah.

Kiri said...

Common in the Erykah that a bad thing? I don't know.... you do sound like a bottle of Carlsberg with a yellow cap though. Although this from the girl that seriously left the house with turquoise open toe PVC platform heels and blue socks. And my huge green heart medallion. Let's never have children.

Anonymous said...

?!green shirt...white tie...?!does it reek of desperation up in here??? not everyone can rock Common's or Andre 3000's style...have you tried online dating? speed dating? arranged marriage....LOL?!

pandave said...

not sure when a green shirt and white tie reeked of desperation... i mean what else are you supposed to wear with a green shirt, honestly?

tunga with a capital t, please never become a dude in a boring grey suit. how will we find you then?

Anonymous said...

why is he wearing a green shirt to begin with>>>>>>>>?

Tu said...

Anon Did I date your sister?