Thursday, March 1, 2007


I have been having trouble sleeping lately.

After I saw the Departed the other night, I had a weird dream about being an undercover agent working for Dr Phil, trying to steal Oprah's secrets! Oprah who is all knowing, found out! Forgave me! Then paid me double to go to the Maury show, and find out how he manages to have such a unique and different show everyday.

Then I dreamt, I won an Oscar for playing pinky removing her hair.

I really need to figure out how to sleep, without having to read battlefield earth first.

I quit drinking last night (again). I have been health conscious all day and alcohol free for about 12 hours. At lunch time I did not go to the Mickey D's across the street from where I work. Instead I walked a whole block to the Wendy's up the road (I feel healthier already)*.

Seriously, tho, I need to figure out how to sleep on time! I keep on daydreaming! Earlier on, I thought I saw some weird looking "fabulous tights".

Then I dreamt the city of New York, outlawed niggaz. Turns out it was just the word nigga. At least we are still allowed to say Wigga, Goldberg’s, Cracker, Bipty, Chiegro, Redneck, Honky, Chink, Kaffir, and Brooklynite**.....

* To anyone not called anonymous, why am I still single?
** I couldn’t resist I had to throw that one in!


Anonymous said...

the departed...hmmm didn't fancy the ending at i the only who thinks mark wahlberg is so zexy? note to you tung you might learn something from these white boys...

Anonymous said...

anonymous, yes, you are indeed the only one who thinks Mark Wahlberg is sexy.

Anonymous said...

...please reveal yourself because there can only be one me!